Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how we handle your personal information, please read carefully.


You may browse this site without providing any personal information about yourself. However, when you register for the membership with HANBOK-SARANG, you will be asked to provide basic information such as your name, email and other personally identifiable information. Refusal to supply this information may result in us being unable to process your request. General statistical information about hanboksarang will also be automatically recorded such as IP address, pages viewed, browser version, etc. When you purchase a paid service with hanboksarang, additional information such as billing information, etc shall be collected.


We use your personal information to provide you with the services you request, communicate with you, troubleshoot problems, customize your experience, inform you about our services and site update. Your information will be kept confidential.


Cookies are used by HANBOKSARANG to recognize you as a return user every time you visit our website. This cookie helps you save time whenever you post-offer, sand inquiry, or use other services, your contact and business details will be filled automatically. If you do not accept cookies on our website, you may not be able to use or access in some services or features. We treat information as an asset that must be protected and use lots of tools to protect your personal information against unauthorized access and disclosure. (SSL used)

HANBOK-SARANG may amend this policy from time to time. For any query regarding this policy, please email us through the “Contact Us” page.